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Logo Bénédicte Cosmetics

Who created BÉNÉDICTE ?
Bénédicte, some beauty products and a woman...

The woman who gave her name to BÉNÉDICTE Cosmetics is herself a consumer of skincare products, but she is also a scientist, a demanding biochemist, who spent a large part of her career in a major Swiss pharmaceutical group.

«Magazines, beauty advisors, beauticians, all recommend to «adapt your skincare routine» when it is cold or very hot during Summer, in order to prevent your skin from being too tight, too dry, too damaged and to protect it from accelerated ageing. They give good advice but it is not always sufficient to choose «the specifically adapted product» among the variety that exists on the market… and which are proposed all year round! Moreover, the promises of cosmetics, each one being more appealing than another, are not often fulfilled (plumping, lifting, smoothing, anti-wrinkle,…), so we get confused.»

The idea came up naturally ! A logical and scientific solution :

Develop skincare products adapted to the skin’s specific needs in each season, like an «invisible garment», so that it is effectively protected and truly beautiful, balanced, with a healthy and radiant complexion, throughout the years !

« The secret of effectiveness is at the heart of the seasons ! »

« I decided to go on an adventure with my expertise as a biochemist and to write all the formulas of my products in order to offer a unique solution. BÉNÉDICTE is the promise of a complete, high qualitative, natural skincare range, sufficiently concentrated in active ingredients to offer concrete results. With BÉNÉDICTE, you can take care of your skin effectively, simply, with pleasure and you have the guarantee of using healthy ingredients. »

« BÉNÉDICTE brand embodies my values and what I believe in » :

Our facial care